A fusion of food, travel and photography.


Returning Down Under

As the largest city in Australia, Sydney boasts the recognizable Sydney Harbor Bridge and the iconic seashell shaped Opera House. It is also the capital of the state of New South Wales. Sydney is a relatively young city, having been first settled as a penal colony (more…)

A Birthday Trip to Italy: Part II – Ravello and Maratea

BBP_4287-2Our trip to Italy was not only spontaneous but off the beaten path for the most part. Some destinations (see Part I) earn a big check mark once we have seen them and others, like Paris and Amsterdam, we return to again and again. (more…)

My Weekend at Seagrove Beach, Florida

Being a photographer, I am almost never without a camera. This past weekend, we joined my extended family for some fun in Seagrove Beach, Florida. Ever since my nephew was born six months ago, we just can’t get enough time with him. Between his dad and me, I think he has to be the most photographed baby of all time!


Let’s be honest. ALL babies are not equally cute. I understand that their parents may think so, but the camera does not. In my case, this little guy is so photogenic I think I could get him work in Hollywood. (more…)